Sunday, March 3, 2013

March Break for a Hockey Mom

While many friends are saying hello to sunny beaches or outlet malls, this March Break we are all about hockey.  With 2 in hockey this was bound to happen sooner or later.  My oldest (8) is really taking up most of our hockey time, but my littler guy (5) has his own this week too.  Our March break started off like this:
Saturday - J hockey at 9, E hockey game at 10:45 - different arenas in different cities (half an hour away)
Sunday - E hockey academy at yet another arena

And continues on like this:
Monday - E hockey practice at yes, that's right the 4th arena
Tuesday - our day off - twoonie matinee at the theatre with friends (Rise of the Guardians)
Wednesday - E - hockey academy at lunch, followed by regular hockey practice at supper, followed by an evening of watching our local hockey team with E's hockey team, and they are picking up the Chuck A Pucks at the 2nd intermission
Thursday - E - hockey tournament, yet another arena
Friday - E - more of the same tournament
Saturday - E hockey practice at 8:15, J hockey at 9 - different arenas, different cities
Sunday - E hockey academy
Total arenas: 6
Total towns: 4
Happy March Break everyone! 


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